Nov 14, 2023, 05:33 PM IST

7 Amazing plants that grow from leaves


Snake Plant

It is as simple as putting a leaf in a jar of clean water to root snake plant cuttings. Place the jar in a bright location and refresh the water once a week, rinsing it out.

Jade Plant

Jade plants can be easily propagated by cutting and planting their leaves and allowing them to dry for a few days before replanting.

Burro’s Tail

Simply place the leaves on top of your soil to allow them to root. Maintain a dry environment. Burro's Tail is an excellent houseplant. It is commonly sold as an indoor hanging plant.

African Violet

Leaf cuttings are an easy way to propagate African violets. Cut off a firm, healthy leaf with a sharp knife and place it in moist soil.


Reverse the begonia leaf and press it into the seed-starting mix. Push T-pins through the leaf into the soil to keep the cuts in contact with the mix.

Christmas Cactus

Place the pot in a well-lit area, away from direct sunlight. To keep the cutting from rotting, water it sparingly at first

Aloe Vera

Choose a mature, healthy leaf from the outermost section of the aloe plant, and cut it close to the stem, making sure the cut is clean. Plant the leaf's callused end in potting mix that drains properly.