Jul 22, 2024, 11:45 PM IST

Animals that can regrow body parts

Pavan Naidu

Here are seven intriguing creatures that have the ability to regenerate their body parts.

The axolotl has the incredible ability to regenerate not just limbs but also vital organs such as its heart and spinal cord.


Starfish are renowned for their regenerative abilities. These marine creatures can regrow entire limbs.


Planarian worms can regenerate into two separate worms from a single cut fragment.

Planarian Worm

Octopuses are known for their intelligence, but their regenerative abilities are equally impressive. These cephalopods can regenerate arms that have been lost due to injury or predation.


Geckos can regrow their tails when they are detached.


Deer are known for their majestic antlers. Each year, male deer shed their antlers only to regrow them bigger and stronger.


Sea cucumber can eject their internal organs as a defense mechanism and regrow them within a few weeks.

Sea Cucumber