Jul 17, 2024, 08:06 PM IST

7 animals that don't have red blood

Varnika Srivastava

These ocean animals utilize hemerythrin for blood transport, resulting in deoxygenated blood being pale yellow and oxygenated blood displaying violet and pink hues.


These organisms resemble spiders and their blood is blue due to the presence of the pigment hemocyanin.

Horseshoe Crabs

The renowned eight-legged creature is not characterized by red blood like humans.


Researchers have discovered that these organisms, which reside in Antarctica's ocean waters, have a colorless blood, surprising many.

 Crocodile Icefish 

Lizards with lime-green blood, derived from the pigment biliverdin, have a distinctive green color on their muscles, bones, and tongue.

 New Guinea's Green-Blooded Skins

Squid blood is blue, not red.


Spider carries oxygen in the blood, that's why their blood appears blueish.


Lobsters have blue blood when exposed to oxygen, due to copper in their hemocyanin molecule, which transports oxygen in their blood.
