Aug 17, 2024, 11:30 PM IST

7 animals that hibernate in summer

Pavan Naidu

Ground squirrels are known for their summer hibernation habits. These small rodents retreat to their burrows to escape the scorching heat, conserving energy and staying cool.

Ground Squirrel

Bats also hibernate in summer. These nocturnal creatures find shelter in caves or dark crevices, entering a state of torpor to survive the hot summer days.


Hedgehogs, typically active during the night, undergo a form of summer hibernation known as aestivation. During aestivation, hedgehogs have a lowered metabolic rate and they sleep through heat and drought.


Certain snake species, like the garter snake, engage in summer hibernation to avoid extreme temperatures. They find shelter in underground burrows or dense vegetation, emerging during cooler hours to hunt.


Turtles, known for their slow pace, also hibernate in summer. They bury themselves in mud or seek refuge in water bodies, slowing down their metabolism to endure the summer heat.


Snails, known for their slow pace during the scorching heat, retreat into their shells, conserving energy and moisture to survive the harsh conditions.


Fat-tailed lemurs showcase their adaptation skills by entering a state of summer hibernation. They reduce their activity levels and metabolic rate to cope with the hot weather and scarcity of food.

Fat-Tailed Lemurs