Jul 29, 2024, 06:05 PM IST

7 Animals that live longer than humans

Varnika Srivastava

Saltwater crocodiles typically live over 70 years, with records suggesting they can live up to 120 years, although precise information on their maximum lifespan is limited.

Tortoises are famed for their longevity. The oldest living land animal is a 190-year-old Seychelles giant tortoise Giant Squid:

Red sea urchins, small invertebrates, live in shallow coastal waters off North America, feeding on marine plants. They can survive for centuries if protected from predators, disease, and fishers.

Bowhead whales, the longest-living mammals, can live over 100 years and possibly 200 years, according to NOAA's stone harpoon tips.

The rougheye rockfish, a long-living species in the Pacific Ocean, has been found to have genetic traits that contribute to its longevity, potentially preventing cancer.

Freshwater pearl mussels, found in Europe and North America, filter food particles from water, but are endangered due to human-related factors and habitat damage.

Greenland sharks, a 24-foot-long species, inhabit the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, consuming fish and seals, according to the St. Lawrence Shark Observatory in Canada.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports