Jul 26, 2024, 05:35 PM IST

7 animals with exceptional night vision

Apurwa Amit

Cats: They have highly developed night vision, thanks to their tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer behind their retina that enhances light sensitivity.

Bats: They rely on echolocation to navigate and hunt in the dark, but they also have good night vision. 

Red-eyed Tree Frogs: These frogs have large, bulging eyes with excellent night vision. Their eyes are adapted to see in low light conditions, allowing them to navigate the rainforest canopy.

Owls: They are known for their exceptional night vision, thanks to their large eyes and specialized retina. 

Tarsiers: They are small primates with huge eyes that give them excellent night vision. They are nocturnal creatures that rely on their keen eyesight to spot insects in the dark forests.

.Fennec Foxes: They have adapted to desert life with excellent night vision. Their large ears and eyes help them detect prey and navigate the dark desert landscape.

Wolf Spiders: Wolf spiders have excellent night vision, thanks to their large eyes and tapetum lucidum