May 6, 2024, 11:29 AM IST

7 animals with strange body parts

Shivam Verma

Star-nosed mole: This mole has a unique star-shaped nose with 22 fleshy tentacles, allowing it to feel its way around in the dark.

Axolotl: This aquatic salamander has the incredible ability to regenerate entire limbs, including bones, muscles, and nerves.

Platypus: This egg-laying mammal has a bill similar to a duck's but covered in soft, sensitive skin, equipped with electroreceptors to detect prey underwater.

Mantis shrimp: With complex eyes that can see polarized light and an appendage that can strike with the speed of a bullet, this marine creature is a formidable predator.

Elephant nose fish: This African freshwater fish has a long, trunk-like extension of its mouth that it uses to sense its surroundings and locate food in murky waters.

Narwhal: The male narwhal has a long, spiraled tusk protruding from its head, which is actually an elongated tooth and can reach lengths of up to 10 feet.

Hairy frog: When threatened, this Central African frog can break its own bones and push them through its skin to form sharp claws, effectively turning its own toes into weapons.