Jun 28, 2024, 03:23 PM IST

7 breathtaking images of space shared by NASA telescopes

Ritik Raj

Hubble Space Telescope on April 24, 1990, scientists captured a picture of two magnificent spiral galaxies with the fabled telescope.

This amazing photo, taken with the NASA Hubble Space Telescope, is of the constellation Aquila and is located approximately 7,200 light-years away from Earth. It is named G35.2-0.7N.

From this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image, the peaceful spiral galaxy UGC 12295 is shown lounging.

The globular star cluster NGC 2419 is visible in this photo taken with the NASA Hubble Space Telescope.

This image is a snapshot of the NASA Hubble Space Telescope, showing the Tarantula Nebula, also known as 30 Doradus.

This image taken with the NASA Hubble Space Telescope appears to show shreds of the colourful supernova remnant DEM L 190 billowing across the screen.

This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image's centre is obscured by a small, dense cloud of gas and dust known as CB 130-3.