Aug 5, 2024, 04:40 PM IST

7 creatures and their unique habitats

Apurwa Amit

Okapi: Endemic to the dense rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the okapi is a shy and elusive forest dweller.

Orangutan: Swinging through the treetops of Borneo and Sumatra, orangutans are known for their intelligence and gentle nature.

Chameleon: Camouflaging in the trees of Madagascar and other tropical regions, chameleons can change color to blend in with their surroundings.

Humpback whale: Migrating across oceans, humpback whales breach and sing complex songs during their annual journeys.

Meerkat: Living in the deserts of southern Africa, meerkats work together in groups to forage for food and watch for predators.

Red panda: Natively found in the mountain forests of the Himalayas, red pandas are known for their reddish fur and bushy tails.

Emperor penguin: Enduring the harsh Antarctic winters, emperor penguins huddle together for warmth and raise their chicks on the ice.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports