Oct 19, 2024, 11:09 PM IST

7 deadliest birds in the world

Shweta Singh

Known for its aggressive nature, the cassowary has powerful legs and sharp claws. Its kick can be lethal, and it is considered one of the most dangerous birds.


This bird preys on other animals and has been known to attack wounded or weak creatures, including seals and penguins. It can be quite aggressive.

Southern Giant Petrel

The largest bird in the world, the ostrich, has long, strong legs and sharp claws. If threatened, it can deliver a deadly kick capable of killing large predators.


This bird has a unique way of killing. It drops bones from great heights to break them open, and though it mainly eats carrion, its strength and talons can be dangerous.


Equipped with powerful talons, this owl can crush bones. Its stealthy nature and sharp claws make it a formidable predator, even capable of taking down larger animals.

Great Horned Owl

While not aggressive towards humans, its razor-sharp talons and hunting skills make it dangerous to its prey, often causing severe injuries.

Red-tailed Hawk

One of the most powerful birds of prey, the harpy eagle has massive talons that can crush bones. It hunts monkeys and sloths, using its strength to overpower large prey.

Harpy Eagle