Jun 5, 2024, 03:31 PM IST

7 insects with one-day lifespan

Pravrajya Suruchi

Mayflies: These delicate insects are famous for their incredibly short adult lifespans, typically lasting only a few hours to a day.

Certain Species of Caddisflies: Adult caddisflies also have a short lifespan, usually lasting less than 24 hours.

Drone Ants: Unlike worker ants that can live for years, male drone ants only have a brief lifespan of a day or so.

Ephemeral Stoneflies: As their name suggests, these stoneflies have an ephemeral existence as adults.

Winged Termites: Also known as alates, winged termites are the reproductive caste of termite colonies.

Adult Winter Stoneflies: Similar to the ephemeral stoneflies, adult winter stoneflies have very short lifespans.

Antlions: Adult antlions are the winged stage of the ferocious antlion larva. They typically live for only a day or two, mating and laying eggs before dying .

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports