Aug 23, 2024, 02:32 PM IST

7 loudest animals in the world

Deepika Shakya

The blue whale's call can reach up to 188 decibels, making it the loudest animal. Its sound travels long distances underwater.

Blue Whale

Elephants produce infrasound (low-frequency sounds) up to 117 decibels, which can travel over long distances to communicate.

African Elephant

Sperm whales make clicks that can reach 230 decibels, which are used for echolocation and communication in the deep ocean.

Sperm Whale

Known for its loud howls, the howler monkey can produce sounds up to 140 decibels to communicate with other monkeys over long distances.

Howler Monkey

The call of the American bullfrog can reach 120 decibels, used to attract mates and establish territory.

American Bullfrog

Some cicadas can produce sounds up to 120 decibels to attract mates and deter predators.


 A lion's roar can reach up to 114 decibels, used for communication and to establish territory


These animals use their loud sounds for communication, mating, and territory marking, showcasing the diverse ways creatures in the animal kingdom utilize sound.