Jun 28, 2024, 09:11 PM IST

7 of history’s best kept secrets

Pavan Naidu

The Elusive Tomb of Genghis Khan: The secrecy surrounding the burial place of the great conqueror has only deepened over time, fueling speculation and intrigue among historians.

The Bermuda Triangle: An area in the western North Atlantic Ocean, the Bermuda Triangle is infamous for mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft.

The Voynich Manuscript: Written in an unknown script and filled with mysterious illustrations, the Voynich Manuscript has confounded codebreakers for centuries. Its origins and purpose remain shrouded in mystery.

The Oak Island Money Pit: A mysterious pit on Oak Island in Nova Scotia has lured historians for centuries. Despite numerous excavation attempts, the pit's contents, if any, remain elusive.

The Roanoke Colony: Known as the 'Lost Colony,' the disappearance of Roanoke's inhabitants in the late 16th century remains a historical secret. The cryptic 'Croatoan' carving left behind only deepens the mystery.

Byzantine Secret Weapon: A technological marvel of it's time baffled enemies and secured victories for the Byzantine Empire. This mysterious weapon, shrouded in secrecy, played a crucial role in shaping the course of history and influencing the outcome of battles.

The Antikythera Mechanism: An ancient Greek device found in a shipwreck, the Antikythera Mechanism is considered the world's first analog computer. Its intricate gears and functions challenge the understanding of ancient technology.