Jul 2, 2024, 10:24 PM IST

7 oldest fossils ever found on Earth

Pravrajya Suruchi

Stromatolites: These are the oldest fossils ever discovered, dating back an incredible 3.5 billion years to the Archaean Era.

Microfossils from Western Australia: Microscopic fossils found in Western Australia's Apex Chert rock formation are another contender for the title of oldest fossils, also dating back to around 3.5 billion years ago.

Gunflint microbiota: Found in Canada's Gunflint Iron Formation, these microfossils date back to about 1.9 billion years ago, placing them in the Paleoproterozoic Era.

Francevillian biota: Dating back to roughly 1.2 billion years ago (Mesoproterozoic Era) and discovered in Gabon, the Francevillian biota includes fossils of single-celled eukaryotes.

Belt Supergroup fossils: These fossils, found in Montana, USA, date back to around 1.4 billion years ago (Proterozoic Era) and include impressions of multicellular algae.

Ediacaran biota: Dating back to between 635 million and 535 million years ago (Ediacaran Period), the Ediacaran biota represents a critical stage in the history of life.

The Burgess Shale fossils: These remarkable fossils, found in the Canadian Rockies and dating back to about 505 million years ago (Cambrian Period)

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports