Jun 13, 2024, 06:15 PM IST

7 species that can eat themselves

Pravrajya Suruchi

Praying Mantis:  The iconic female praying mantis is known to sometimes devour the male after mating.

Hamsters:  While primarily herbivores, stressed or overcrowded hamsters can exhibit cannibalistic behavior towards their young.

Tadpoles:  Under certain conditions, tadpoles (frog larvae) may resort to eating smaller or weaker tadpoles in their pond to survive.

Vampire Bats:  These social bats share regurgitated blood meals with weaker or sick colony members, ensuring the overall health of the group.

Queen Termites:  The single fertile female (queen) in a termite colony lays eggs. She also produces a nutritious substance called "queen paste" that worker termites feed on and share with developing nymphs.

Anglerfish (Male):  In this unusual case, the male anglerfish attaches permanently to the female and becomes dependent on her. He then acts as a living food source for her, providing her with nutrients.

Emperor Penguins:  Male penguins take care of the eggs while females forage for food. Upon hatching, chicks receive a warm pouch formed by the father's skin and access to his regurgitated food.

Flamingos:  These unique birds produce a special nutrient-rich "crop milk" in their upper digestive tract to feed their young.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports