May 3, 2024, 08:20 PM IST

7 types of birds that prey on animals

Pavan Naidu

Some birds play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by preying on terrestrial animals.

Here are seven types of birds that are known to hunt terrestrial animals.

Hawks are renowned for their keen eyesight and hunting skills. They use their sharp claws and beaks to targeting small mammals and reptiles.


Eagles soar through the skies and with their strong talons and beaks, they hunt a variety of prey, including rabbits and small deer.


Owls are nocturnal predators known for their silent flight and acute hearing. These birds hunt rodents and insects in darkness.


Falcon species are known for their incredible speed and agility. They prey on birds and small mammals, using their swift hunting skills to catch them.


Vultures play a vital role in ecosystems by scavenging on decaying flesh of dead animals. These birds prevent the spread of diseases by consuming animal remains.


Kestrels are small falcons that fly in the air while hunting for insects and rodents.


Ospreys are known for their fish-hunting skills. While in flight, ospreys skillfully plunging into water bodies to catch their prey with their sharp talons.
