Aug 1, 2024, 08:59 PM IST

8 achievements of Mughal that are actually false

Shweta Singh

Akbar's policies were tolerant, but later rulers like Aurangzeb were more orthodox and repressive towards non-Muslims.

The Mughal Empire had economic growth, but also faced famines, economic disparity, and heavy taxation burdens.

The Mughal military was powerful, but suffered notable defeats against the Safavids, Marathas, and the British East India Company.

Mughal administration wasn't fully centralized; local rulers often had significant autonomy, leading to corruption.

The cultural Golden Age had interruptions with periods of decline, internal strife, and stagnation, especially later on.

Agricultural productivity largely stemmed from existing systems and local innovations, not Mughal reforms.

The Mughal era wasn't completely harmonious, with significant caste and communal tensions throughout the period.

Educational and scientific advancements were often inherited from previous civilizations or concurrent global developments.