Sep 2, 2024, 12:34 PM IST

8 ancient animals that are still alive

Apurwa Amit

Crocodiles: They are ancient reptiles that have remained relatively unchanged for millions of years. 

Sharks: They are ancient fish species that have roamed the oceans for over 400 million years. 

Tuatara: These are reptiles native to New Zealand, resembling lizards but belonging to a distinct lineage.

Nautilus: They are ancient cephalopods that have survived for hundreds of millions of years. They live in deep ocean waters and have a distinctive spiral shell.

Dragonflies: They are ancient insects with a history dating back over 300 million years.

Horse: They are marine arthropods that have existed for around 450 million years.

Cockroach: They are ancient insects that have been around for millions of years. They are highly adaptable and resilient, able to survive in various environments and conditions.

Mudskipper: They are unique fish that can breathe air and move on land. They inhabit coastal areas and mudflats, showcasing an evolutionary adaptation to terrestrial life.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports