Jun 21, 2024, 07:06 PM IST

8 animal offspring who eat their own parents

Mahipal Chouhan

Blue Whale: Largest animal, can engulf 90 metric tons of water and krill with expandable pleated throat grooves.

Caecilian (Amphibians): Young caecilians feed on their mother's skin, which she grows specifically to nourish them.

Australian Redback Spider: Male Redbacks offer themselves to the female for consumption after mating, providing nutrition for the potential offspring.

African Social Spider: Spiderlings eat their mother alive, which provides them with a nutritious meal during their early development.

Octopus: After laying eggs, the mother octopus often dies, and the hatching young sometimes consume her decaying body for sustenance.

Praying Mantis: Female mantises sometimes eat the male post-mating; nymphs may then consume the remaining parent’s body.

Sexton Beetle: Larvae are known to eat their mother after she has expended all her energy caring for them.

European Dark Bee: Bee larvae consume the queen if she becomes too weak or diseased, ensuring the hive's health.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports