Jun 30, 2024, 05:53 PM IST

8 animals that can eat king cobra

Mahipal Chouhan

Mongoose: Small, agile mammal with lightning-fast reflexes and thick fur. Immune to cobra venom, it's a skilled snake hunter.

Honey badger: Fearless and tough, with thick skin resistant to venom. Known to actively hunt and eat venomous snakes.

King cobra (cannibalism): Larger king cobras sometimes eat smaller ones. This behavior helps control population and provides an easy meal.

Crocodiles: Apex predators with powerful jaws and thick scales. Can easily overpower and eat a king cobra in water or on land.

Eagles: Some species, like the Philippine eagle, have powerful talons and beaks. They can attack and kill cobras from above.

Monitor lizards: Large, carnivorous reptiles with strong jaws and claws. Some species regularly hunt and eat venomous snakes.

Wild boars: Thick-skinned and aggressive, they can withstand cobra bites. Sometimes eat snakes they encounter while foraging.

Peafowl: Though known for beauty, peafowls are omnivorous and will attack, kill, and eat snakes, including venomous ones.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports