Jul 19, 2024, 09:56 PM IST

8 animals that eat their own kind

Shweta Singh

Females often consume the males after or even during mating. This behavior is thought to provide nutritional benefits.

Praying Mantis

Females sometimes eat their mates after copulation. This may ensure more resources for egg production.

Black Widow Spider

Mothers may eat their young if stressed or if the offspring are weak. This helps to reduce the number of mouths to feed.


Embryos consume their siblings while still in the womb. This intrauterine cannibalism ensures the survival of the strongest.

Sand Tiger Shark

Occasionally, polar bears may eat their young or other bears. This often occurs under extreme conditions, like food scarcity.

Polar Bear

Overcrowded or nutrient-deficient chickens might resort to cannibalism. This behavior can spread quickly in stressed flocks.


Tadpoles and adult frogs sometimes eat smaller individuals of their species. This cannibalism can help control population density.


Known to eat younger or weaker members of their species. This behavior can reduce competition for food and resources.

Komodo Dragon