Sep 18, 2024, 12:05 PM IST

8 animals that fear water

Shweta Singh

While some big cats enjoy swimming, most domestic cats have an aversion to water. They dislike getting wet and prefer to stay dry.


Hamsters are small rodents that avoid water as it can lower their body temperature quickly, making them vulnerable to illness.


These marsupials rarely encounter large bodies of water in their natural habitat, and they prefer to stay in trees, avoiding water.


Although cows can swim if necessary, they usually fear deep water and avoid crossing rivers or lakes.


Ostriches are land birds that avoid water. Their large size and awkwardness make swimming or being in water difficult.


Most bat species avoid water as it poses a threat of drowning. Their wings are not designed for water navigation.


Sloths avoid water whenever possible, moving slowly and awkwardly on the ground and preferring to stay in trees.


With extremely dense fur, chinchillas avoid water to prevent their coat from getting waterlogged, which can lead to skin issues.
