Jul 24, 2024, 05:10 PM IST

8 animals that have biggest homes

Mahipal Chouhan

African Elephant - Known for their large migratory ranges, which can cover hundreds of miles.

Bald Eagle - Their nests, called eyries, can be enormous and are often built in tall trees or cliffs.

Polar Bear - They have large home ranges that can cover thousands of square miles in the Arctic.

Grizzly Bear - Their territories can span hundreds of square miles, especially in areas with low food availability.

Giant Panda - They need large territories with sufficient bamboo to feed on.

Lion - Lion prides have large territories, which they patrol regularly.

Andean Condor - These birds have large territories and can cover up to 250 miles in a day.

American Bison - Historically roamed in vast herds across North America.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports