Jun 29, 2024, 12:01 PM IST

8 animals that have thick mustaches

Mahipal Chouhan

Emperor Tamarin - This small monkey from the Amazon rainforest has a striking white moustache that curls at the ends, giving it a regal appearance.

Bactrian Camel - This camel has a thick, bushy moustache of fur above its upper lip, especially prominent in winter.

Catfish - Many species of catfish have barbels, which are whisker-like structures around their mouths that resemble a moustache.

Bearded Seal - This Arctic seal has a beard of long whiskers that helps it find food in the sediment.

Tibetan Fox - The thick fur around its snout can sometimes resemble a moustache.

Mandrill - This primate, related to baboons, has a colourful face with long, white whiskers that can appear moustache-like.

Walrus - Known for its long, stiff whiskers, or vibrissae, a walrus’s moustache is used to detect food on the ocean floor.

Asian Palm Civet - This small mammal has long, white whiskers that can give the appearance of a moustache.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports