Aug 9, 2024, 08:19 PM IST

8 animals that hibernate in summer

Shweta Singh

Many land snails, especially in arid regions, estivate during hot summers by retracting into their shells and sealing the opening with mucus to retain moisture.


African lungfish estivate by burrowing into mud and secreting a mucus cocoon, which hardens and protects them until water returns.


These reptiles dig underground burrows to escape the summer heat, reducing their activity levels significantly during the hottest months.

Desert Tortoises

Native to Madagascar, these lemurs estivate by living off fat stored in their tails, slowing their metabolism to survive the dry season.

Fat-Tailed Lemurs

Some species, like the Australian freshwater crocodile, estivate by burrowing into the mud when water sources dry up.


These microscopic worms can enter a state of suspended animation called cryptobiosis during extreme heat and drought, effectively estivating until conditions improve.


Certain species, like the North American spadefoot toad, estivate underground during dry periods, emerging when conditions are favorable.


These desert-dwelling lizards spend most of the summer months in a state of dormancy in burrows to avoid the extreme heat of their environment.

Gila Monsters