Sep 29, 2024, 02:38 PM IST

8 animals that live underground

Apurwa Amit

European badger: They are nocturnal animals that create intricate underground burrow systems known as setts. They are widespread across Europe and parts of Asia.

Prairie Dog: They are social rodents that inhabit the grasslands of North America. They live in underground burrows called towns and communicate through complex vocalisations.

Mole: They are small mammals with velvety fur and strong forelimbs adapted for digging. They tunnel underground to find insects and worms to eat.

Aardvark: They are nocturnal mammals native to Africa. They have long, tubular snouts and powerful claws for digging burrows where they rest during the day.

 Ant: They are eusocial insects that live in colonies underground. They are known for their organized social structure and division of labor within the colony.

Fennec Fox: They are small desert foxes found in North Africa. They dig burrows in the sand to escape the heat of the day and are known for their large ears.

Numbat: They are small marsupials native to Western Australia. They live in underground burrows and primarily feed on termites.

Gopher: They are burrowing rodents found in North and Central America. They create extensive tunnel systems underground and are known for their ability to move large amounts of soil.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports