Jun 30, 2024, 03:38 PM IST

8 animals that should never be kept as pets

Mahipal Chouhan

Hyenas - Strong predators with complex social needs.

Kangaroos - Need open spaces and specific diets.

Bengal Cats (wild) - Wild instincts make them unsuitable for homes.

Exotic Birds (e.g., Macaws, Cockatoos): While not dangerous, exotic birds have specific dietary, social, and environmental needs. They can live for many decades, requiring long-term commitment and care that many people are not prepared to provide.

Chimpanzees and Other Primates: Primates are highly intelligent and social animals with complex needs that are difficult to meet in a home environment. They can also become aggressive as they age.

Venomous Snakes: Species like cobras, vipers, and rattlesnakes have venom that can be fatal to humans. Handling and housing them safely requires specialized training and equipment.

Bears: Bears are powerful and potentially dangerous animals that need large habitats and specialized care. They can also become aggressive as they mature.

Elephants: Elephants are highly social and intelligent animals that need large areas to roam and complex social interactions. Keeping them as pets is both impractical and inhumane.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports