Jul 21, 2024, 05:21 PM IST

8 animals that you should never trust

Mahipal Chouhan

Poison Dart Frog: Brightly colored, their skin secretes potent toxins that can be deadly to predators and humans.

Blue-Ringed Octopus: Small but highly venomous, their bite can cause paralysis and death, with no known antidote.

Box Jellyfish: Tentacles contain venom that can cause heart failure, paralysis, and death within minutes of a sting.

Black Mamba: Highly aggressive and fast, their venom causes paralysis and death if not treated immediately.

Saltwater Crocodile: Extremely powerful and aggressive, they can attack and kill large prey, including humans, without warning.

Cape Buffalo: Highly unpredictable and can charge with little provocation, causing serious injury or death to perceived threats.

African Elephant (when agitated): Can become highly aggressive, capable of causing significant destruction and death when provoked.

Hippopotamus: Surprisingly aggressive, they can charge and cause fatal injuries with their massive size and powerful jaws.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports