Jul 5, 2024, 08:58 PM IST

8 animals with most powerful arms

Mahipal Chouhan

Gorilla: Possesses incredibly strong arms, capable of lifting up to ten times their body weight.

Crocodile: Strong forelimbs assist in capturing prey and powerful movements on land and water.

Grizzly Bear: Powerful forelimbs are used for digging, breaking logs, and defending against threats.

Kangaroo: Strong arms aid in grappling and fighting; males use them to assert dominance.

Baboons: Strong arms for climbing and foraging, and males use them in fights for dominance.

Komodo Dragon: Strong forelimbs aid in digging burrows and overpowering prey with their grip.

Polar Bear: Powerful forelimbs are used for swimming, hunting seals, and breaking ice.

Chimpanzee: Known for powerful arms, used for climbing and swinging, making them several times stronger than humans.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports