Jul 24, 2024, 04:28 PM IST

8 animals you won't see in a zoo

Mahipal Chouhan

Blue Whale: The largest animal on Earth, blue whales require vast expanses of ocean to live and thrive. Their size and specialized diet make captivity impractical and ethically problematic.

Giant Squid: Deep-sea dwellers, giant squids are elusive and live in conditions that are difficult to replicate. They are rarely seen alive, even in the wild.

Saola: Often called the "Asian unicorn," the saola is critically endangered and lives in remote, dense forests of Vietnam and Laos. Capturing and keeping them in captivity has proven nearly impossible.

Vaquita: This small, critically endangered porpoise is found only in the northern part of the Gulf of California. Their numbers are so low that capturing them for display would likely push them to extinction.

Javan Rhino: With fewer than 75 individuals left in the wild, Javan rhinos are critically endangered. They are extremely sensitive to habitat changes and stress, making captivity unsuitable for them.

Snow Leopard: While some zoos do have snow leopards, they are exceedingly difficult to keep because of their elusive nature and need for vast, mountainous terrain, making them a rare sight even in captivity.

Honey Badger: Known for their intelligence and tenacity, honey badgers are incredibly difficult to contain. They are escape artists and can be very aggressive, making them challenging to keep in a zoo environment.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports