Aug 19, 2024, 03:24 PM IST

8 birds that lay colourful, unique eggs

Apurwa Amit

American Robin: The American Robin lays eggs that are blue or greenish-blue with speckles.

Eastern Bluebird: They lay pale blue eggs, adding a touch of sky-like color to their nests.

Northern Cardinal: They lay eggs that are pale greenish-blue with brown speckles.

European Starling: They lay pale blue to green eggs with small spots.

House Sparrow: House Sparrows lay white to pale blue eggs with brown speckles.

Common Murre: Common Murres lay eggs that are pointed at one end and have a marbled appearance with various colors.

Blue Grosbeak: Blue Grosbeaks lay pale blue eggs, complementing their striking blue plumage.

Great Horned Owl: These owls lay white eggs often with a slightly pinkish hue.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports