Jun 4, 2024, 11:41 AM IST

8 birds that only come out at night

Mahipal Chouhan

Owls: Owls are perhaps the most iconic nocturnal birds. They have specially adapted feathers and keen senses that allow them to hunt effectively in the dark.

Nightjars: Nightjars, also known as goatsuckers, are medium-sized nocturnal birds known for their wide mouths and aerial feeding habits.

Nighthawks: Nighthawks are a group of birds closely related to nightjars. They are known for their pointed wings and aerial hunting behavior.

Whip-poor-wills: Whip-poor-wills are medium-sized nocturnal birds named for their distinctive call. They are often found in wooded habitats.

Chuck-will's-widow: Similar in appearance to whip-poor-wills, Chuck-will's-widows are nocturnal birds known for their loud and repetitive calls.

Night Herons: Unlike most herons, night herons are nocturnal birds. They have stocky bodies and shorter legs compared to other heron species.

Oilbird: Found in South America, particularly in Trinidad and Venezuela, the Oilbird is a unique nocturnal bird that uses echolocation to navigate dark caves where it roosts during the day.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports