Jul 28, 2024, 07:13 PM IST

8 brutal punishments from Mughal history

Mahipal Chouhan

Execution by Elephant: A method where criminals were crushed by elephants. This punishment was used by several Mughal rulers, including Akbar and Aurangzeb, for crimes such as rebellion and serious offenses.

Blinding: Blinding was a common punishment for perceived threats to the throne. For instance, Shah Jahan ordered the blinding of his brother Shahryar after capturing him.

Impalement: Used for severe crimes like treason, the convicted were impaled on stakes. This method was both a punishment and a public warning.

Mutilation: Cutting off limbs, ears, or noses for crimes like theft, rebellion, or treachery. This was not only a punishment but also a way to mark the criminal for life.

Burning Alive: Reserved for heinous crimes such as arson or severe treason. It served as both a punishment and a deterrent.

Starvation: Imprisoning someone and depriving them of food until they died. This was a slow and agonizing death, often used for political prisoners.

Poisoning: Administering poison to those who were perceived as a threat to the ruler or the state. It was a more discreet method of execution.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports