Jul 5, 2024, 11:03 PM IST

8 countries with most rivers

Mahipal Chouhan

Russia - With vast territories, Russia has numerous rivers, including the Volga, Lena, and Yenisei.

Brazil - The Amazon River system is the largest in the world, with many tributaries.

China - Home to the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, among many others.

United States - The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers are among the most prominent.

Canada - Known for its extensive river systems, including the Mackenzie River.

India - Rivers like the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Yamuna are vital to its geography.

Peru - The Amazon River starts here, with many tributaries.

Argentina - The ParanĂ¡ and Uruguay Rivers are major water systems.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports