Jul 20, 2024, 10:42 AM IST

8 countries with strange national animals

Mahipal Chouhan

Scotland - Unicorn: Scotland's national animal is the mythical unicorn, symbolizing purity and innocence.

Bhutan - Takin: Bhutan's national animal is the takin, a large, unusual-looking mammal with a unique mix of features from different animals.

Mexico - Golden Eagle: Mexico’s national bird is the golden eagle, which appears on the country’s flag with a snake in its beak, symbolizing the legend of the founding of Tenochtitlan.

South Korea - Korean Tiger: South Korea’s national animal is the Korean tiger, which is symbolic of courage and strength.

Philippines - Philippine Eagle: The national bird of the Philippines is the critically endangered Philippine eagle, one of the largest and rarest eagles in the world.

South Africa - Springbok: South Africa’s national animal is the springbok, a type of antelope known for its impressive leaping ability.

Singapore - Merlion: Singapore’s national symbol is the Merlion, a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish, representing the city’s origins as a fishing village and its lion-hearted spirit.

Japan - Japanese Koi Fish: Japan's national symbol is the koi fish, known for its beauty and longevity, reflecting the country’s appreciation for nature and art.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports