Jun 20, 2024, 01:11 PM IST

8 creatures that don't have round pupils

Pravrajya Suruchi

Cats: Cats have vertical slit pupils that constrict to thin lines in bright light and widen into large ovals in low light.

Goats: Goats have horizontal rectangular pupils. This shape gives them a wider field of view, allowing them to see predators approaching from the sides.

Sheep: Similar to goats, sheep also have horizontal rectangular pupils for enhanced peripheral vision and depth perception.

Octopuses: Octopuses have W-shaped pupils. This unique shape is thought to help them perceive polarized light.

Cuttlefish: Like their octopus cousins, cuttlefish also have W-shaped pupils that aid in their vision and light sensitivity.

Snakes: Most snakes have elliptical pupils that are vertically oriented. This allows them to focus on prey and strike accurately.

Crocodiles: Crocodiles have vertical slit pupils similar to cats. These pupils help them to see well in water, both during the day and at night.

Horses: Horses have horizontal rectangular pupils, much like goats and sheep. This wide field of view helps them to see predators approaching from any direction while grazing.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports