Aug 25, 2024, 05:17 PM IST

8 fiercest rivalries in animal kingdom

Mahipal Chouhan

Lions vs. Hyenas: Compete for food, often stealing kills; both species attack and sometimes kill each other over resources.

Eagles vs. Falcons: Aerial hunters fight for dominance, competing fiercely for prey in overlapping territories, especially during nesting seasons.

Cheetahs vs. Leopards: Compete for prey and territory; leopards occasionally steal cheetah kills due to their strength and adaptability.

Wolves vs. Coyotes: Wolves kill coyotes to eliminate competition over prey, showing aggressive territorial behavior in shared habitats.

Bears vs. Wolves: Bears often take over wolf kills, sparking confrontations over scavenged resources in overlapping hunting areas.

Snakes vs. Mongoose: Mongooses hunt venomous snakes, leveraging their immunity to snake venom in a deadly predator-prey relationship.

Crocodiles vs. Hippos: Hippos defend water territory from crocodiles, especially when young are threatened, leading to frequent skirmishes.

Komodo Dragons vs. Buffalo: Dragons bite buffalo, infecting them with bacteria, patiently waiting for buffalo to weaken before feeding.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports