Aug 4, 2024, 11:29 PM IST

8 great accidental discovery

Shweta Singh

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928 when he noticed that a mold (Penicillium notatum) killed bacteria in a petri dish he had left uncovered.


Percy Spencer, an engineer, discovered the microwave oven in 1945 when he noticed that a chocolate bar in his pocket melted while he was working on radar equipment.

Microwave Oven

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895 when he was experimenting with cathode rays and noticed an unknown type of ray passing through objects, making a photographic plate glow.


Charles Goodyear accidentally discovered the process of vulcanizing rubber in 1839 when he dropped a mixture of rubber and sulfur onto a hot stove, creating a more durable material.

Vulcanized Rubber

Spencer Silver, a 3M scientist, developed a low-tack adhesive in 1968, which was later used to create Post-it Notes after Art Fry used it to mark pages in his hymnal.

Post-it Notes

Roy Plunkett discovered Teflon in 1938 when a gas sample he was working with unexpectedly polymerized, creating a non-stick substance now used in many household products.


Frederick Banting and Charles Best discovered insulin in 1921 while researching diabetes. They found that extracting insulin from the pancreas of dogs helped regulate blood sugar levels.


Ralph and Luella Wiley discovered Saran Wrap in 1933 when they were working on a new plastic polymer. It was initially intended for use in the chemical industry but became popular for food storage.

Saran Wrap