Aug 29, 2024, 07:00 PM IST

8 great architects of animal kingdom

Mahipal Chouhan

Bees - Honeybees construct intricate hexagonal honeycombs made of beeswax, which are efficient for storing honey and pollen and housing their young.

Termites - Termites build elaborate and massive mounds that can regulate temperature and humidity, providing a stable environment for their colony.

Spiders - Spiders spin elaborate webs to catch prey. The structure and design of these webs can vary greatly among species, from the classic orb-web to funnel-shaped webs.

Birds - Many bird species, such as the weaver bird and the bowerbird, create intricate nests with a variety of materials, showcasing their building skills and aesthetic preferences.

Elephants - Modify their environment by creating water holes and clearing paths, influencing the ecosystem.

Octopuses - Some octopus species use natural materials like shells and rocks to build shelters or camouflaged hiding spots on the seafloor.

Pufferfish - Male pufferfish create elaborate and symmetrical sand patterns on the ocean floor to attract mates. These designs can be surprisingly complex and artistic.

Damsel Bugs - Create shelters and egg cases in leaves and soil.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports