Aug 18, 2024, 02:05 PM IST

8 incredible animals that were used in ancient wars

Pravrajya Suruchi

Elephants: These colossal beasts were used for their size and strength, often equipped with armor and carrying soldiers into battle.

Horses: Cavalry units were a cornerstone of many ancient armies, providing speed, mobility, and shock value.

Camels: Ideal for desert warfare, camels offered endurance and could carry supplies and troops across harsh terrain.

Dogs: Used for guarding camps, tracking enemies, and even attacking enemy forces, dogs were versatile companions in battle.

War Pigs: Armed with spikes and chains, these animals were used to disrupt enemy formations and cause fear.

Falcons: Employed for reconnaissance and communication, falcons provided valuable intelligence.

Mules: Strong and sure-footed, mules carried supplies, equipment, and wounded soldiers.

Cats: While not directly involved in combat, cats protected food supplies from rodents, ensuring soldiers remained healthy.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports