Aug 15, 2024, 07:11 AM IST

8 lesser-known Indian freedom fighters

Mahipal Chouhan

Captain Ram Singh Thakur - Joined Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's Azad Hind Fauj, was captured by the British during the 1945 Rangoon attack, and imprisoned in the Red Fort jail.

S R Sharma - A silk merchant who became a preacher in the Hindustan Sevadal, wrote patriotic songs, and was deeply influenced by Gandhiji, participating actively in the All India Congress Committee.

Nikunja Sen - Member of Hamchandra Ghosh's Mukti Sangh, involved in revolutionary activities in Calcutta, and sentenced to long imprisonment by the British.

Yusuf Mehar Ali - Coined the slogans "Quit India" and "Simon Go Back," was imprisoned 8 times during the freedom struggle, but tragically died at 47 due to illness.

Uday Prasad - Active in the Quit India Movement of 1942, gave passionate speeches, participated in processions, and was tortured by the British; also served as the president of the Durg Local Board.

Hasrat Mohani - Expelled from college for his involvement in the freedom struggle, ran the magazine 'Urdu-e-Mualla', and gave the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad' in 1921.

Gangu Mehtar - A brave fighter under Nana Saheb Peshwa during the 1857 war of independence, sentenced to death by the British for his role.

Meendhu Kumhar - Joined the jungle Satyagraha at 18, faced brutal repression by the police, and was shot and charged with treason; also, NG Ranga of Andhra Pradesh, known as the messiah of farmers, was elected to Lok Sabha 8 times and participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports