Jun 4, 2024, 03:19 PM IST

8 lightning-quick reptiles on Earth

Mahipal Chouhan

Black Mamba: Venomous snake reaching speeds up to 12.5 mph, known for its agility and deadly bite.

Green Iguana: Arboreal lizard capable of running at 21 mph for short distances when threatened.

Komodo Dragon: Largest lizard, reaching speeds of 12 mph in short bursts despite its heavy build.

Leatherback Sea Turtle: Fastest sea turtle, swimming at speeds up to 22 mph using its large flippers.

Sidewinder: Venomous snake adapted to desert environments, moves quickly at 11 mph using a unique sidewinding motion.

Collared Lizard: Swift predator capable of running on hind legs at speeds up to 16 mph.

Perentie: Australia's largest monitor lizard, can reach speeds up to 15 mph when chasing prey or escaping threats.

Black Racer: Non-venomous snake found in North America, can move at speeds up to 10 mph.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports