Jun 27, 2024, 08:30 PM IST

8 longest living water animals

Shweta Singh

Known to live over 400 years, the Greenland Shark is one of the longest-living vertebrates, found in the cold waters of the North Atlantic.

Greenland Shark

With a lifespan exceeding 200 years, Bowhead Whales are among the longest-living mammals, inhabiting Arctic and subarctic waters.

Bowhead Whale

This species can live over 500 years, making it one of the longest-living animals on Earth, found in deep waters off the coasts of North America and Europe.

Ocean Quahog

Known for their vibrant colors, Koi Fish can live several decades, with exceptional individuals reaching up to 200 years in well-cared-for environments.

Koi Fish

Found in the North Pacific, Rougheye Rockfish can live up to 205 years, thriving in deep, cold waters with slow growth rates.

Rougheye Rockfish

Inhabiting the Pacific Ocean, Red Sea Urchins can live for over 200 years, sustained by kelp and other marine vegetation.

Red Sea Urchin

Some species of Sturgeon can live for over 100 years, primarily in freshwater habitats like rivers and lakes, known for their large size and longevity.


Though not strictly aquatic, these tortoises can live over 100 years and inhabit coastal areas, showcasing longevity in both terrestrial and marine environments.

Galapagos Giant Tortoise