Jun 21, 2024, 10:00 AM IST

8 most spoken languages in world

Pravrajya Suruchi

English (1,452 million speakers): English has become the world's common language due to its historical use in colonization and its dominance in international business, science, and technology.

Mandarin Chinese (1,118 million speakers): Mandarin Chinese holds the title for the most spoken language in terms of native speakers.

Hindi (602+ million speakers): Spoken primarily in India, Hindi is a major language in South Asia.

Spanish (548+ million speakers): Spanish is spoken throughout Latin America, Spain, and parts of the United States.

Murmura Chivda (Puffed Rice Snack Mix): This crunchy snack mix combines puffed rice (murmura) with roasted peanuts, dry fruits, chopped vegetables, and minimal spices.

French (280 million speakers): French is a major language in Europe and Africa due to France's colonial past.

Modern Standard Arabic (274 million speakers):  This is the standardized form of Arabic used in education and media across the Arab world.

Bengali (272+ million speakers):  Spoken mainly in Bangladesh and India, Bengali is a major language in South Asia.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports