Jun 28, 2024, 05:50 PM IST

8 places on Earth that don't seem real

Mahipal Chouhan

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia: The world's largest salt flat creates an incredible mirror effect when covered with a thin layer of water, making it appear like you're walking on the sky.

Waitomo Glowworm Caves, New Zealand: These caves are illuminated by thousands of glowworms, creating a starry night effect underground.

The Wave, Arizona, USA: This sandstone rock formation is known for its wave-like patterns and vibrant colors, creating a surreal landscape.

Pamukkale, Turkey: Terraces of carbonate minerals left by flowing water create natural white travertine pools that look like they're made of cotton.

Mount Roraima, Venezuela/Brazil/Guyana: A flat-topped mountain that inspired the novel "The Lost World," it's often shrouded in mist, giving it a mysterious appearance.

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Brazil: A desert with vast white sand dunes interspersed with crystal-clear blue lagoons that form during the rainy season.

Reed Flute Cave, China: A limestone cave filled with stalactites, stalagmites, and rock formations illuminated with multicolored lights, giving it a fantastical appearance.

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China: Featuring towering sandstone pillars that inspired the floating mountains in the movie "Avatar."

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports