Jul 11, 2024, 05:25 PM IST

8 prehistoric animals that still exist today

Mahipal Chouhan

Horseshoe Crab: These ancient creatures have existed for over 450 million years, even before the dinosaurs.

Coelacanth: Thought to be extinct until its rediscovery in 1938, this "living fossil" dates back around 400 million years.

Nautilus: With a lineage going back about 500 million years, the nautilus has remained relatively unchanged.

Sturgeon: These fish have been around for over 200 million years, known for their bony plates and cartilaginous skeletons.

Crocodile: Modern crocodiles have existed for about 200 million years, closely related to their prehistoric ancestors.

Platypus: This unique mammal has features from various animals and has been around for about 120 million years.

Tuatara: Native to New Zealand, these reptiles have been around for about 200 million years and are the only surviving members of their order.

Jellyfish: Some jellyfish species have existed for over 500 million years, making them one of the oldest living creatures on Earth.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports