Jul 20, 2024, 06:20 PM IST

8 remarkable women scientists and their groundbreaking contributions

Mahipal Chouhan

Marie Curie: Discovered radioactivity; first woman to win a Nobel Prize, only person to win in two different sciences.

Rosalind Franklin: Key in discovering DNA's structure through X-ray diffraction, critical to understanding genetic material's double helix formation.

Ada Lovelace: Developed first algorithm for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, considered the world's first computer programmer.

Dorothy Hodgkin: Advanced X-ray crystallography, determined structures of penicillin and vitamin B12; Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner.

Barbara McClintock: Discovered transposable elements in maize, transforming understanding of genetic regulation; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winner.

Jane Goodall: Revolutionized understanding of chimpanzee social and family behavior through extensive field research in Tanzania's Gombe Stream National Park.

Rachel Carson: Authored "Silent Spring," highlighting pesticide dangers, notably DDT, sparking environmental movement and changes in pesticide regulations.

Chien-Shiung Wu: Proved parity violation in weak nuclear interactions through the Wu experiment, crucial to advancements in particle physics.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports