Jul 3, 2024, 07:25 AM IST

8 scientists and their groundbreaking theories

Mahipal Chouhan

Albert Einstein: Developed the theory of relativity, revolutionizing our understanding of space, time, and gravity with E=mc².

Isaac Newton: Formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, laying the foundation for classical mechanics.

Charles Darwin: Proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection, explaining the diversity of life on Earth.

Niels Bohr: Developed the Bohr model of the atom, explaining electron behavior and quantum mechanics' early principles.

Galileo Galilei: Championed heliocentrism and improved the telescope, fundamentally advancing observational astronomy.

James Clerk Maxwell: Formulated Maxwell's equations, unifying electricity, magnetism, and light into the theory of electromagnetism.

Gregor Mendel: Discovered the laws of inheritance through pea plant experiments, founding the field of genetics.

Marie Curie: Pioneered research on radioactivity, discovering polonium and radium, and winning two Nobel Prizes.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports