Jul 31, 2024, 03:57 PM IST

8 smallest countries by land area

Pravrajya Suruchi

Vatican City: The smallest country in the world, it's a city-state surrounded by Rome, Italy.  

Monaco: A glamorous principality on the French Riviera, known for its casinos and luxury lifestyle.  

Nauru: A small island nation in Micronesia, rich in phosphate resources.  

Tuvalu: Another island nation in Polynesia, composed of three reef islands and six atolls.  

San Marino: Encircled by Italy, it's one of the oldest republics in the world.  

Liechtenstein: A landlocked country in Europe, known for its stunning Alpine scenery.

Marshall Islands: A chain of atolls in the Pacific Ocean.  

Saint Kitts and Nevis: A twin-island federation in the Caribbean.  

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports