Jul 21, 2024, 11:01 AM IST

8 spiders that can kill humans

Mahipal Chouhan

Brazilian Wandering Spider: Extremely venomous, aggressive, found in South America; its bite causes intense pain and potential systemic effects.

Black Widow Spider: Recognizable by red hourglass mark; venom causes severe pain, muscle cramps, and nausea; rarely fatal.

Brown Recluse Spider: Venom causes necrotic lesions; found in the US; bite can lead to serious skin damage.

Six-Eyed Sand Spider: Found in deserts of southern Africa; venom causes necrosis and can be fatal, but bites are rare.

Sydney Funnel-Web Spider: Highly venomous, aggressive, found in Australia; its bite can be fatal if untreated.

Redback Spider: Similar to black widow, found in Australia; venom causes intense pain, sweating, and muscle weakness.

Chilean Recluse Spider: Highly venomous, found in South America; bite causes severe skin and systemic reactions, potentially fatal.

Mouse Spider: Found in Australia; venom similar to funnel-webs but less potent; bites can cause serious illness.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports